Monday, May 12, 2014

Pool Physical Therapy

I've been in and out of physical therapy for many years and this was a first!  My session today was in a therapy pool from Swim-Ex, like this:

The water was probably about 90 degrees, so it felt very nice on the muscles and joints.  They also have an integrated water treadmill, which I will get to use later in the program.  Way cool.

Today's pool therapy consisted of 5 minute sessions of each of the following, in chest-deep water:
High knee walking in place
Walking - forward and backward
Lateral walking
Stepping up  (forward)
Stepping up (side)
Straight leg raises - front, back, side
Calf raises

My legs were jello after.  This is the first time since surgery that I've stood for that long, period, let alone that I was standing without crutch assistance.  No groin pain at all, which is the point of doing this sort of work in water to start since it's low impact and joint friendly.

I was so exhausted that I napped as soon as I got home.  Same thing on tap for Wednesday's PT!