Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Tick tock, one month!

Surgery is one month away.   In four weeks, no longer will I be injured...  May 2nd will mark the start of the "getting better" phase.   Hooray!

I have started with the second guessing this week.  I suppose it's completely normal to doubt a big decision.  I have days of no pain at all and wonder why I am going through surgery.  Those days are usually followed by a day where I can't stop complaining about my hip, but I managed to string together a few good days right in a row and really was questioning things, but I have to remember that I'm babying my hip a lot - and not really operating under "normal" circumstances.

I purchased an in-home mounting system for my TRX.   I'm trying to plan out a location on my first floor where I can mount this thing on a ceiling and it doesn't look like hell.  I think it's going to end up mounted in the living room because there's really no other spot for it that won't require me to hobble up and downstairs during rehab.

The nice thing about the TRX is that you don't have to be seated to use it, unlike a lot of other upper body equipment.  I am thinking this will be a nice option to have post-surgery.


  1. I am not sure if it will comfort your nerves, but I also had second thoughts. I stopped reading about the procedure and following along on the support group pages because it was too much. You will be coming into the procedure strong and ready! You've got this.

  2. If I saw that hanging from the ceiling I'd think it was an S&M toy I think. LOL It does look like a good workout!

    I think some second thoughts are totally normal!! Big hugs & I hope the next month flies by for you!
