Tuesday, August 13, 2013

I really like my couch

I really like my couch, which is a good thing seeing as how I have spent the last 5 hours lying on it.

Admittedly, I do have bouts of serious laziness, but my couch is getting a visit today mostly because I managed to tweak my back kayaking.    Introduce me to a sport and I can likely do it well enough to not totally suck.  I will also manage to injure something in the process.  I am the victim of being both athletically gifted and orthopedically challenged.

Most of my time oscillates between feeling satisfied and accomplished after a great workout and cursing the world for my seemingly bad luck.   Well, maybe not bad luck, but bad genes.   Somehow I'm sure it's all my parents' fault, anyway.

Today's rehab plan was ibuprofen, tramadol, rest and ice.     The thing with low back pain is to try to cut it off before it gets worse.  Sometimes this means going for a walk and then stretching and icing.  Sometimes it means rest.  Sometimes it means a day or two on muscle relaxers.  Sometimes a combination of everything possible to try to relieve the pain. 

It is counter-intuitive to some, but staying active is the best thing you can do for your back.  (The very close second best thing is to stop with the bad posture!  Your mother was right.)  I had to take a few weeks off because of a hip/groin injury and it doesn't surprise me now that I'm having back issues.  Anytime I have longish periods of rest (and/or laziness), my back will act up.    There are other things that trigger back pain, like a lot of bending over, awkwardly lifting heavy things, etc, but sometimes doing nothing is the worst of all.

Tomorrow's plan is to at least get out for a walk and if I'm really feeling better (fingers crossed!) a short run. I have a 3.5 mile run- 12 mile bike- 1.3 mile kayak triathlon that I would really like to do this weekend.   I'm staying hopeful. 

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